Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Sock

My knitting ambitions, carefully nurtured over mere months, have been all about socks. Big socks, small socks, socks with Cthulhu lovingly picked out with knits and purls, tentacles curling up your ankles...urgh. Still, socks. They're smaller than scarves, they're more impressive than washcloths and they take less measuring than sweaters.

I've started three socks (well, three pairs, I guess) and today I've finally achieved success.

And by success I mean I've only just started decreasing for the toes and am having an early celebration. Anyone sharp-eyed enough to peer through this dross of a picture will notice the bit where I didn't know how to work stockinette in the round and the moment I figured it out.

(Can you believe Cthulhu isn't in spellcheck? Cuchulain is, though, so rock on Irish history.)

Project Stats:
Pattern: The basic vanilla sock patten out of Knitting Rules!: The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks 
Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock, Calumet
Needles: Kollage Square Needles dpns